Thursday, May 3, 2012


Every once in awhile my Netflix Top 10 knows me so well it's scary. Did they install cameras in here or something? I picked the movie because I noticed Angela Bettis (May, Sick Girl, The Woman) on the cover. Little did I know it would take me on a Whedon-gasm trip of joy.

Along with Bettis the movie stars Jonathan M. Woodward (Buffy the Vampire Slayer, Angel, Firefly) as Brian who is working a boring cubicle job. His only joy during the day is having lunch with his best buddy Clark played by Samm Levine (Freaks and Geeks) and flirting with Amy (Bettis). His world gets turned upside down when he finds out that Clark is actually an alien and he's not the only one in the office. His lady Amy is also not of the earth, but hey love is blind, right?

What made this movie awesome for me is the balance of the mundane and the out of this world. I love the fact that the whole movie takes place in the office and there is no big fancy effects for the aliens. It's like Office Space meets an episode of the Twilight Zone. The clever writing and the delivery of said cleverness from the actors had me hooked in the first couple of minutes. It's the crazy kind of crazy. Drones is available on Netflix streaming. 4 stars from me!

The movie is directed by Amber Benson (Tara of Buffy the Vampire Slayer) and Adam Busch (Warren of Buffy The Vampire Slayer)! This tickles my Buffy bone to no end. The fact that they are a couple kinda weirds me out still, I mean he killed Tara run! I kid, I kid. This is the first film that they directed together, Amber has a few director credits under her belt. Adam's music was used throughout the film. I've been fortunate enough to see his band Common Rotation play a few times where I did get to meet Amber and Danny Strong (Jonathan of Buffy the Vampire Slayer). Enough geeking out on Whedonverse.... enjoy the trailer for Drones!

Thursday, October 13, 2011

Bad Taste

So to continue with horror movie month I have to say something about Bad Taste by Peter Jackson (Heavenly Creatures, Lord of the Things) because I am sad it took me so long to get around to watching it. I finally chose it from my Netflix Q since I thought my last disc from them should be special. Special it was!


Seriously! And I'm not saying this because the movie is scary.... oh contrary. I was actually kinda sad that I watched it alone because there was so much stuff to giggle about and make fun of! It was a delight to all my ohhhh that's gross, that is hilarious, and hey hey was that a Doctor Who reference!? I expressed all of these emotions to Daisy but she just looked back at me blankly.

She just doesn't get my pop culture references sometimes. She wanted me to to turn the tv back to animal planet but I digress....

Okay so aliens invade New Zealand and take over a house the looks stunningly similar to the house from Dead Alive also directed by Peter Jackson ;D

I don't really want to say too much else. I enjoyed the movie and the campiness of it. I liked that all the main characters were guys. Bromance before bromance was a word. No stupid girl screaming and running around... I loved that. I also learned a valuable lesson. If I ever have my head cut open and a piece of my brain taken out, I can just put said brain nugget back in and wear a hat or a belt around my head. Totally safe and reliable options!

P.S. Hipster Soup..... And the cheese factor, this one goes to ELEVEN!!!!

Thursday, October 6, 2011

American Horror Story

Ryan Murphy and Brad Falchuk (Nip/Tuck, Glee) have said and now for something completely different with their new show American Horror Story. A family uproots to Los Angeles in hopes of starting a new life after a tragedy. They get a fabulous deal on a wicked cool house because well it's wicked. So much bad ju-ju is afoot there as you quickly find out before the opening credits.

The show has some genuinely creepy things happening here. From baby parts in jars to gimp suits to creepy ginger twins, whatever you are disturbed by they probably covered it in the pilot. They seem to be playing homage to quite a few horror films without it feeling like a rip off. I was entertained through-out and was creeped out and WTFing at the climax toward the end.

Based on the pilot I am going to highly recommend this. It's quite possible this could be the Twin Peaks for a new generation. It seemed to follow a dream logic that you find in David Lynch films. I think people that need to make sense of everything immediately will find this show annoying. I for one just enjoyed the ride and I can't wait to see where this is going. You know where to find me now every Wednesday at 10pm.

P.S. I haven't seen this much man nudity since True Blood and it's all on Dylan McDermott. It's like half the episode! I'm exaggerating a little but still. Sexy second runner up... Frances Conroy. Now I know you wanna watch ;)

Tuesday, October 4, 2011


A couple things you should know about me. I am a sucker for all things British and for actors that are in the verses that I consume myself with. That led me to my day 2 of Halloween horror nights... Doghouse.

In this movie, a group of men who all seem to have problems with their lady friends or lack there of trot off to a remote village to help one of their friends get over his divorce. They arrive only to find that all the women have been infected with a virus that makes them man-hating zombie-like cannibals. Definitely not my usual fair but who is to blame? Noel Clarke! I am so obsessed with Doctor Who, I decided to watch this because Mickey (or was it Ricky haha) is in it. Oh and his name happened to be Mikey in this movie.

Anyhoo it was a lets look at sexy zombie ladies kinda movie for the most part but the British humor kept me entertained. I never really clicked with any of the characters or felt sympathetic to their situation. The zombie bride was pretty hot though. So there was that. Overall it wasn't great. Still wanna check it out, it is on Netflix streaming 2.5 Stars.

Troll Hunter

Every October I celebrate the glorious holiday of Halloween by watching a horror movie every day of the month. We are a couple days in so I have some catching up to do. I started the month watching Troll Hunter. This film is straight out of Norway so if you are not into subtitles you may not dig it.

A lot of  3 students go out to investigate a series of weird bear killings. However they soon figure out that there are some shenanigans going on and the bears are simple pawns in something WAY bigger. They follow a guy who is suppose to be a bear poacher, learning that he is actually a troll hunter.
I'll admit I've gotten a bit tired of the "found footage" genre. Aside from the silly we found this footage blah blah blah it's not doctored text stuff before the film I completely forgot that this was a found footage thing. I found myself enthralled with finding out who the mysterious hunter was and then the excitement of seeing the first troll... awesome! From there it just gets better. The trolls were seamlessly placed into the real world and they all looked soooo amazing. Clever story and brilliant animation brought this story to life. If you have Netflix it's on there streaming. Watch it ya'll. 4 Stars for this lil' gem.


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